OIAL:TESOTNYC = Once in a Lifetime: The Story of the New York Cosmos
Here’s what the sneak peeks menu to the Once in a Lifetime: The Story of the New York Cosmos DVD Game would look like if it was real in real life
Here are the titles that appear on this menu:
First page:
Kinky Boots
[scrubs]: The Complete 4th Season
Wendy WU: Homecoming Warrior
Hannah Montana: Livin’ the Rockstar Life
Desperate Housewives: The Complete 2nd Season: The Extra Juicy Edition
Air Buddies
Second page:
Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto
Stick It
Goal! The Dream Begins
The Heart of the Game
Alias: The Complete 5th and Final Season
NOTE: Fake/fanmade. As much as it makes sense having the trailers to Cars, Stick It, Goal! The Dream Begins and Alias: The Complete 5th and Final Season as some of the opening previews on here, it also makes sense having the trailer to Air Buddies as one of the extra previews on here, since this is a sports movie, so it all makes sense here, and this would be one of the last few titles to use the 30 second version of that preview as the extended and updated version would debut next month
NOTE #2: This DVD game would be released to promote the DVD release to this movie, which would occur next month as well on October 3, 2006
NOTE #3: And with that being said, this and the previous video are made to commemorate that yesterday was 18 years since this was released on DVD, so happy late 18th anniversary to this on DVD
NOTE #4: Do you want to know what else could’ve made sense? If the Disney Channel promo to Jump In! and the trailer to Disney DVD Game World was on here, because not only is this a DVD game, but this is also a sports movie too. So both of them could’ve worked out, but unfortunately, there was no more room to have those trailers on here sadly. But it still made sense for the trailers to Cars, Stick It, Goal! The Dream Begins, The Heart of the Game and Air Buddies to be on here though
And @firstzachattackdvdblu-rayo3142 and @miriancostales570, if the two of you are watching this, this video is for you. And Zack, since you figured out what the 2nd edition DVD game to this would be like, then what would the occasional/special late appearances for the trailer to Kinky Boots be? If you know, then let me know right here, but if you don’t know, then here’s my hint: Think about anytime around early 2007 or so