Unpacking the package…..
The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature,
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They are two known causes for the above error message :
You are trying to upload other than ZIP Compressed version ( what is a .zip file ? ). Other compression formats are not supported while uploading a theme or a plugin in wordpress. When installing any plugin or theme in WordPress, the file should be uploaded as .zip file.
The .zip file is incomplete or corrupted. In this case you need to download a new version of the .zip file for the theme or plugin that you're trying to install, and upload it again in WordPress.
The PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature error is caused by one of two things as below:
Case 1: There’s a problem with the zip file or its format.
It’s possible that the plugin zip file became corrupted when it was downloaded. Try downloading it from your account on our store and install (or update manually).
Case 2: Server Disk Space Issue
If you still receive the same error while trying to install the zip manually, then it may mean that there’s not enough storage space on your host for WordPress to be able to unzip and upload the contents of the file. To confirm this, try to upload other files to your sites, such as an image, video or other plugin. If you’re not able to upload large files, then storage space is likely the issue.
You can either remove some files (backups or themes & plugin that you’re not using) or contact your web host to increase your storage capacity.
Music Credit
Track: EMDI - Hurts Like This feat Veronica Bravo
Music provided by NoCopyrightSound • EMDI - Hurts Like This (feat. Veronic...