Celia's coming out to her sisters (lo siento, Bernardo, you're excluded). "Friends are relatives you make for yourself." Girlfriends are family/sisters as demonstrated by Freida.
The Oscar for best actress goes to Adela. :-D Elisa earns one for best supporting actress.
My gratitude to Agapimu and Weepy Eyes for the clips. This video was made as a promotional video for them as well as ladies Celistas and Ana.
Please subscribe to their respective channels:
Agapimu = / @andchococlack6681
Weepy Eyes = / weepy
(AIG on DM = http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x44a... AND http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x44a...)
Seis Hermanas English subtitles
YouSub Espanol = / @yousubespanol4035
Any Ascua = / channel
There will be one more video for Weepy. I'm waiting for her new uploads to see if there's something to help complete the project.
Okay, if you must laugh at my music choice on how dated it is, please do. I just happen to LOVE this 1979 song by the sisters from those years ago. :-D
I earlier dedicated this video to a hate group. The dedication has now been retracted and replaced by another more appropriate video on the main channel.
No copyright infringement intended on video clips and music.
Made for entertainment purposes without financial gain.