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Stealth Take Downs Using Motion Warping Feature in UE5.
A dynamically way to adjust a character's root motion to align to targets.
00:00 Intro
00:58 Setup Project and Enemy AI BP
01:40 Setup Trace Functionality for AI
03:58 Creating BP Interface for AI & player
05:18 Implement BP Interface to AI Class
05:40 Call BP Interface for Enemy AI
07:00 Setup Anim Montage and Slots for Attacker & Victim
09:40 Adding Slot for Montage in Animation BP
10:20 Execute Stealth Take Down Event
11:32 Setup Motion Warping functionality
14:27 Adding Motion Warping Component to Player Character BP
14:45 Setup Warp Points for Motion Warping Component
21:04 Animation Montage for Enemy AI
22:11 Essential Changes before Playing Anim Montage
24:50 Setup Attack and Victim Ends Functionality
27:45 Adding Ragdoll Functionality for Enemy AI
30:10 Calls Montage Notifies Events in Anim BP
33:00 Ending