An introduction to 7th Chords on the Guitar
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This is lesson 3.1 from our series “Music Theory For Guitar”
For Lesson 1:
• Music Theory for Guitar
*Lesson 1.1: Intervals and how to play them on 1 string up to an octave
*Lesson 1.2: Intervals between the open strings
*Lesson 1.3: Intervals and Interval shapes
*Lesson 1.4: Octaves and Octave Shapes
*Lesson 1.5: Unison notes and Unison note shapes
*Lesson 1.6: The Musical Alphabet and Chromatic Scale
*Lesson 1.7: The Major Scale
*Lesson 1.8: Intervals of the Major Scale
*Lesson 1.9: Major Scale Patterns
*Lesson 1.10: Upper Intervals of the Major Scale
*Lesson 1.11: The difference between Major Scale Patterns and Positions
*Lesson 1.12: Major Scale – Fretboard Insight
*Lesson 1.13: Major Scale Keys
*Lesson 1.14: More in-depth Major Scale Insights
*Lesson 1.15: Sharps and Flats in each key
*Lesson 2.1: Major Triads
*Lesson 2.2: minor Triads
*Lesson 2.3: Diminished Triads
*Lesson 2.4: Augmented Triads
*Lesson 2.5: Major Triad to Minor, Diminished and Augmented
*Lesson 2.6: Triad Shapes all String Sets
*Lesson 2.7: Triad Inversions
*Lesson 2.8: Triad Inversions Vertical
*Lesson 2.9: Augmented Triad Inversions
*Lesson 2.10: Diatonic Major Scale Triads
*Lesson 2.11: Harmonized Major Scale
*Lesson 2.12: Major Scale Chord Progressions
*Lesson 2.13: Find the key of a Chord Progression (song)
*Lesson 2.14: Open Triads
*Lesson 2.15: Harmonized Major Scale with Triads
**Lesson 2.16: Harmonized Major Scale with Intervals
**Lesson 3.1: An introduction to 7th chords and how to construct them