Crayola Markers: (affiliate link)
Modified Boxplots are just what they sound like. They are a boxplot (or box and whisker plot) that has been modified to show outliers with an asterisk. They need the same 5 pieces of information as a box and whisker plot: Minimum, First Quartile, Second Quartile, Third Quartile, and Maximum. After you find these, we use the Inner Quartile Range (IQR) to figure out what numbers are outliers. If you have any outliers, you adjust your minimum and/or maximum and plot the points.
Special shoutout to @jeffreyspence3292 who pointed out my first record of this had a couple embarrassing addition mistakes :D🤦♀️
Just wanting to make a box and whisker plot not a modified boxplot? Watch here:
• From Data to Box & Whisker Plot | The...
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