This video tutorial shows Kali Linux 2017.2 LXDE Desktop Edition installation on Oracle VirtualBox step by step. This tutorial is also helpful to install Kali Linux 2017.2 LXDE Edition on physical computer or laptop hardware. We also install Guest Additions on Kali Linux 2017.2 LXDE for better performance and usability features: Automatic Resizing Guest Display, Shared Folder, Seamless Mode and Shared Clipboard, Improved Performance and Drag and Drop.
1- Create Virtual Machine on Oracle VirtualBox
2- Start Kali Linux 2017.2 LXDE Desktop Edition Installation
3- Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on Kali Linux
4- Test Guest Additions Features: Automatic Resizing Guest Display and Shared Clipboard
Kali Linux 2017.2 New Features and Improvements
Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. Kali Linux 2017.2 is a roll-up of all updates and fixes since our 2017.1 release in April. In addition to all of the standard security and package updates that come via Debian Testing, more than a dozen new tools were also added to the repositories, a few of which are listed below. There are some really nice additions so we encourage you to "apt install" the ones that pique your interest and check them out.
Hurl – a useful little hexadecimal and URL encoder/decoder
Phishery – phishery lets you inject SSL-enabled basic auth phishing URLs into a .docx Word document
Ssh-Audit – an SSH server auditor that checks for encryption types, banners, compression, and more
Apt2 – an Automated Penetration Testing Toolkit that runs its own scans or imports results from various scanners, and takes action on them
DBeaver – powerful GUI database manager that supports the most popular databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, and many more
Brutespray – automatically attempts default credentials on discovered services
Kali Linux 2017.2 also includes numerous package updates, including jd-gui, dnsenum, edb-debugger, wpscan, watobo, burpsuite, and many others
Kali Linux Website:
Download Kali Linux 2017.2 LXDE ISO:
Kali Linux 2017.2 Minimum System Requirements
A minimum of 20 GB disk space for the Kali Linux install
RAM for i386 and amd64 architectures, minimum: 1GB, recommended: 2GB or more
CD-DVD Drive/USB boot support
What is LXDE Desktop?
LXDE, which stands for Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment, is a desktop environment which is lightweight and fast. It is designed to be user friendly and slim, while keeping the resource usage low. LXDE uses less RAM and less CPU while being a feature rich desktop environment. Unlike other tightly integrated desktops LXDE strives to be modular, so each component can be used independently with few dependencies. This makes porting LXDE to different distributions and platforms easier.
LXDE Website:
Hope you found it informative and useful. Any questions or comments are welcomed.
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