UNIT 2 –Basics of Feature Engineering FEATURE EXTRACTION Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Singular value decomposition (SVD) Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
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Heap Sort-3-8-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting
Quick Sort-3-7-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting
Merge Sort-3-6-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting
Insertion Sort-3-5-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting-4CS1006
Bubble Sort-3-3-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting-4CS1006
Binary Search-3-2-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting
Sequential Search-3-1-Data Structures and Algorithms-Unit-3-Searching and Sorting
Priority Queue-2-6-Data Structures and Algorithms-Definition, operations, applications
Deque-Double-Ended-Queue-2-6-Data Structures and Algorithms-Definition, Applications, types
Circular Queue-2-5-Data Structures and Algorithms-Definition-Representation-Operations-Application
Stack Structure-Infix to Postfix Conversion-Data Structures and Algorithms-4CS1006-D Sumathi
Stack Applications-2-2-Data Structures and Algorithms-subject code-4CS1006
Linear Array-1-3-Data Structures and Algorithms-definition, applications, operations, and etc.
Asymptotic Notations-1-2-Data Structures and Algorithms-
Data Structures and Algorithms-Introduction to Data Structures-1-1-Data Structures Taxonomies
Finding Pattern Using Association Rule-Machine Learning-5-1-6-Unsupervised Learning-CSE-JNTUA-R20-
k-Mediod Clustering Algorithm-Machine Learning-5-1-4-Partitioning Methods-Unsupervised Learning
k-Means Clustering Algorithm-Machine Learning-5-1-3-Unsupervised Learning-Partitioning Methods
Clustering-Machine Learning-5-1-2-Unsupervised Learning -20A05602T-JNTUA-CSE-R20
Unsupervised learning Introduction-Machine Learning-5-1-1-20A05602T-JNTUA-R20-CSE
Maximum Likelihood Estimation-Machine Learning-4-1-6-Supervised Learning-CSE-JNTUA-R20-3 year
Solved Problem in Simple Linear Regression-Machine Learning-Supervised Learning:Regression-20A05602T
Simple linear regression-Machine Learning-4-1-1-Supervised Learning-Regression-Slopes-JNTUA-CSE
Random Forest-Machine Learning-3-2-5-Supervised Learning:Classification-JNTUA-CSE-20A05602T