Welcome to Custom Kit Gaming. Today we are making a NEW Hidden Fashions In Naruto Shinobi Striker Ep.43 | Shinobi Striker | Season 5. Today we Have Momoshiki, Foo, Deidara & Mangetsu. Also check out my other vids because I make anime characters in Shinobi Striker, Xenoverse 2 all the time. By the end of watching those you'll know how to make custom characters. Remember to Attack that LIKE button Helps me out. Thanks for watching! plz check out my DripCrew BUFU Clan Members below plz.
HaseoAzura: / @haseoazura
Tron Arts: / @trondreamer8073
Xazien Inc: / @xazien
Masa Ted: / @masated
Sasuke Xuchihaa: / @sasukexuchihaa
Axcent Gaming: / axcentgaming
BlazeHokage: / mr7thhokage
Intro Made By:Negoy: / negoysburner
#HiddenFashions #ShinobiStriker #Season5