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105. Implement Auth Login Logout and store user in Pinia Store in Vue Composition API - Vue 3
106. Redirect User from auth page using useRouter in Vue Composition API - Vue 3
104. Setup Firebase Authentication & create Auth Store for user Vue Composition API - Vue 3
103. Differentiate Login and Register Page on Submitting Form Data Vue Composition API - Vue 3
101. Create Progress bar loading when data loads from Firestore database Vue Composition API - Vue 3
99. Use OrderBy and limit method to sort documents in NotesList in Vue 3 Composition API - Vue 3
96. Get Realtime data from the firestore database in Ve Composition API - Vue 3
94. Create a Firebase Project & Create App. Setup Firestore Database in Vue Composition API - Vue 3
92. Close Modal popup on Escape Key Event & on Clicking outside element Vue Composition API - Vue 3
Dynamic route params routing in vue router #vue composition api
Apply RouterLink to the navbar in #vue composition api
67. Defining a Store in Pinia using the Options Api in the Vue3 Composition API - Vue 3