Chapter 7: Tony Reads Monologue Jokes
1. November 25, 1994. Heidi Fleiss joke.
2. January 4, 1996. Tracy Hampton joke.
3. September 30, 1996. Tommy Lee joke. Tony, for the first time, translates a joke into Spanish.
4. July 31, 1998. Mailbag: Tony does the monologue in Spanish.
5. April 29, 2009. Dave has laryngitis.
6. January 20, 2011. Jokes Funnier in Spanish, 1.
7. February 24, 2011. Jokes Funnier in Spanish, 2.
8. May 5, 2011. Jokes Funnier in Spanish, 3 and 4.
9. August 2, 2011. Tiger Woods joke.
10. January 13, 2012. Timothy Dolan joke.
11. May 23, 2012. Al Gore joke..
Chapter 8: Spanish Rants
1. July 3, 1998. The rants begin in English with The Beltway Bunch.
2. September 25, 1998, Mailbag: Charlette and Abigail.
3. July 9, 1999. Mailbag: Moonlanding.
4. November 4, 1999. Superstar.
5. January 5, 2000. 'Round the Horn: New Year's Resolutions.
6. March 29, 2000. 'Round the Horn: What I Love About Spring in New York.
7 April 12, 2000. 'Round the Horn: Job Hunting Tips.
8. August 4, 2000. Mailbag: How to Rant Angrily in Spanish.
9. April 6, 2001. Mailbag. Angry Cuban Judge (with orchestra).
10. May 4, 2001. Remote: Man on the Street.
11. June 6, 2001. 'Round the Horn: For the Kids.
12. November 23, 2001. Mailbag; Bilingual.
13. December 14, 2001. Mailbag: Osama.
14. January 18, 2002. Mailbag. How to make ink.
15. March 29, 2002. Mailbag. KFC.
16. June 19, 2003: Mailbag: New York on $10 a day.
17. March 2, 2004. "Dirty Dancing Havana Nights."
18. December 19, 2008. A Christmas Moment with Tony Mendez.
19. January 7, 2010. Lopez Tonight.
20. October 12, 2012. Ben Affleck.
21. July 9, 2013. Dave Caricature.
22. December 17, 2013. Book plug .
23. June 11, 2014. Near-escape.
24. April 30, 2002. Act 5 break.
Chapter 9: Film Endings in Spanish
1. May 24, 1999. 'Round the Horn: Let's Fill Time: "Star Wars: Phantom Menace."
2. May 18, 2001. Mailbag: "The Sopranos."
3. May 13, 2003. "The Matrix Reloaded."
4. July 14, 2004. Mailbag: "I Robot."
5. September 29, 2004. 'Star Wars: Return of the Jedi."
6. November 24, 2004. "National Treasure."
7. June 30, 2005. "War of the Worlds."
8. December 14, 2005. "King Kong."
9. July 11, 2006. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest."
10. May 3, 2007."Spider-Man 3."
11. October 7, 2011. "Contagion."