In this tutorial series #10, we will learn how to decompress or unzip the .zip file extension using Golang programming language with step by step guide.
If you go with extra mile for buying me a cup of coffee, I appreciate it guys:
Source Codes:
package cmd
import (
// dcfileCmd represents the dcfile command
var dcfileCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "dcfile",
Short: "Decompress any single zip file",
Long: `dcfile command decompress any single .zip compression file format.
Only the .zip file formats will be decompressed by this command.
Example of a valid directory path in Windows:
Or using the network directories, example:
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// To make directory path separator a universal, in Linux "/" and in Windows "\" to auto change
// depends on the user's OS using the filepath.FromSlash organic Go's library.
src := filepath.FromSlash(args[0])
msg := `Start decompressing:`
color.Blue(msg + " " + src)
itrlog.Errorw(msg, "src", src, "log_time", time.Now().Format(logDTFormat))
if err := kopy.Unzip(src, dcfileLog); err != nil {
itrlog.Errorw("error", "err", err, "log_time", time.Now().Format(logDTFormat))
msg = `Done decompressing:`
color.Green(msg + " " + src)
itrlog.Errorw(msg, "src", src, "log_time", time.Now().Format(logDTFormat))
func init() {
// Unzip will decompress a zip archive, moving all files and folders
// within the zip file (parameter 1) to an output directory (parameter 2).
func Unzip(src string, isLogCopiedFile bool) error {
// Read the compressed file's original source folder or directory.
zipReader, err := zip.OpenReader(src)
fnExtract := ""
if b := strings.Contains(src, ComSingleFileFormat); b {
fnExtract = strings.Replace(src, ComSingleFileFormat, "", -1)
os.MkdirAll(fnExtract, os.ModePerm) // Create a new dst dir first
for _, file := range zipReader.Reader.File {
zippedFile, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
return err
defer zippedFile.Close()
folderPath := filepath.FromSlash(file.Name) //full file path
extractFileTo := ""
// Replace the original folder root directory of the compressed folder to a new dst location.
if b := strings.Contains(folderPath, filepath.Dir(folderPath)); b {
extractFileTo = strings.Replace(folderPath, filepath.Dir(folderPath), fnExtract, -1)
extractedFilePath := filepath.Join(extractFileTo, file.Name)
if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.FromSlash(extractedFilePath), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
itrlog.Fatalf("error", "err", err.Error(), "log_time", time.Now().Format(logDateTimeFormat))
} else {
folderPath := filepath.FromSlash(file.Name) //full file path
extractFileTo := ""
// Replace the original folder root directory of the compressed folder to a new dst location.
if b := strings.Contains(folderPath, filepath.Dir(folderPath)); b {
extractFileTo = strings.Replace(folderPath, filepath.Dir(folderPath), fnExtract, -1)
outputFile, err := os.OpenFile(extractFileTo, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, file.Mode())
if err != nil {
return err
defer outputFile.Close()
if _, err = io.Copy(outputFile, zippedFile); err != nil {
return err
// Only log when it's true
if isLogCopiedFile {
color.Magenta("extracting to: " + extractFileTo)
itrlog.Infow("extracting to: ", "dst", extractFileTo, "log_time", time.Now().Format(logDateTimeFormat))
return err
log: true # true or false, make it true to log each copied file
// ConfigDCFile is the collection of the dcfile config values
type ConfigDCFile struct {
Log bool
var conDelDir []ConfigDelDir
var dcfileLog bool = false
func LoadViperCofig() {
// Get the config values for the 'default.command_properties.deldir' keys from the config.yaml file
err = viper.UnmarshalKey("default.command_properties.deldir", &conDelDir)
if err != nil {
for _, a := range conDelDir {
deldirIgnore = a.Ignore
deldirLog = a.Log