In this video, I have clearly shown the steps required to Calibrate and Validate SWAT Simulated Output in SWAT CUP Software.
The two most commonly happen Errors in SWAT-CUP Execution
1. Swat is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.end_yr_of_sim=2008, variable 1, 2008 is a leap year.
Copy swat2012 executable file from ArcSWAT folder and paste it in the Swat-cup Project folder and Rename it SWAT.exe
2. Number of years of simulation don’t match. Check file.cio and extract.bat file
Number of years simulated =8 (2001-2008)
Beginning year of simulation =2001
Beginning year of simulation not including the warm up period =
2001 + 2 (warm up period) = 2003
End year of simulation = 2003+5=2008
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