PINTEREST TRENDS – Review of a NEW Pinterest Keyword Research Tool

Опубликовано: 12 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Anastasia Blogger

Pinterest has a new feature and it is the Pinterest Trends Tool! Watch more if you want to know how to use this new Pinterest keyword research tool!
Pinterest Trends Tool




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You see here on this screenshot a comparison for Halloween traffic in 2018 and then in 2019. Halloween 2020 is still quite far from the time I’m recording this video, but I have no doubts in my mind that I will again get traffic spikes from Pinterest on the Halloween.

And I get traffic these spikes for most of the other holidays and for other seasonal content. And today I will show you in details the new Pinterest Trends Tool that will help you get the same results with your Pinterest!
Pinterest recommends saving seasonal and holiday-related pins about 45-60 days in advance! That’s not only because Pinterest is a search engine and needs some time to index your pins, your boards and start showing them to the right audience who searched for relevant keywords.

It’s also because Pinterest audience in general has a very interesting characteristic – the majority of Pinterest users are great at planning things in advance. This is why they save things to boards in the first place! People on Pinterest start saving pins about Christmas in September and if previously you just had to trust me when I said it, now with this Pinterest Trends tool you can see how the number of searches with the word Christmas starts growing on Pinterest since about September and then at the end of October it really skyrockets very fast – and just to remind, from the end of October we still have about 2 months before 25th of December!
Let’s have a look at this tool in detail now. First you can see it still says Early Access here which is because the tool was released at the beginning of 2020, only for the United States (I mean here that only users with the US IP addresses could initially access the tool).

The next thing you need to pay attention to is that at the moment the tool shows us only the keywords and trends based on what people are looking for in the US.
When you open the homepage of this tool you will see that it shows you these examples of keywords like zucchini recipes, soup recipes and others.

When we look at this scale from 0 to 100 keep in mind that it’s not the actual number of searches for this keyword on Pinterest. Let’s read the what they say here in the info icon: Each data point compares the search volume of a term to all other searches during that week. The results are then indexed from 0 to 100 to compare the relative volume of each term.

So, you see what it means? It’s not the absolute numbers, the scales shows how this keyword is getting higher or lower search volume compared to the rest of the searches on Pinterest during a specific week.


I also loved seeing this additional keyword research tool with related keywords.

You can add up to 4 keywords to the graph to see how much search volume each of them has compared to the others.

And then at the bottom of the page you can see a few popular pins for these keywords.
If you click on one of the pins though you’ll get to a search page which I found odd because it’s not what you expect clicking on the popular pin image. I was expecting to see a close-up of the pin itself.

When you use this trends tool, you are supposed to already have some idea about the popular keywords for your niche or a specific season. If you don’t even know where to start your research, I have a Pinterest Trends Planner for you!

It’s my planner that shows you which topics and even specific keywords will be trending on Pinterest in every month of the year. I’ll give you a link to this printable planner in the top right corner in the info icon, and in the description below this video.

Remember I showed you these graphs with traffic spikes from seasonal pins? The beauty of this is that you can get these spikes on Pinterest almost passively. You don’t need to create a lot of new seasonal content every year. All you have to do to revive your last year’s viral pins in this case is repin them once again about 45-60 days before the season or holiday comes. And if you want to be even more strategic about it, create a few new pin versions for your old content. You probably heard that a few times by now about some NEW Pinterest Best practices and that Pinterest favors fresh content now.

00:00 Intro
01:33 Pinterest Trends Tool
03:06 Free IP Address Tools
04:43 Pinterest Trends Keywords Overview