Welcome to After Effects Auction! Four animators can compete head to head with little to no tools available in After Effects. They must complete a challenging animation every round until only one player is left standing.
Every tool/effect/common shortcut in after effects has a dollar value (move tool, shape tool, trim paths, you name it). Everyone has $100 to start with. Players will be put in random order in the first round, the first contestant will choose the item to initiate a bid for. Players will bid until there are no more raises. The player with the winning bid, gets that item and no other contestant can use that item during the rest of play. If they use anything other than what they bought or what is in their starter kit, they receive a penalty. Everyone has the same prompt, must animate to a set time in a time limit - judge chooses one person to eliminate. Last person standing wins either by judgement or by being the only one with $ left. Each round, the 1st and 2nd place contestants will receive more budget to work with based on their placement. The second round they are able to choose 3 more tools. The final round, they are able to choose one more tool. Every time a player uses an item without purchasing it, they are deducted $5. If they own it you give $5 to the owner per use. You may bid OVER your budget and wrack up debt - but MUST be able to have a positive balance by the start of the next round - if admitted.
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Let's work together: https://ravie.co/get-in-touch
- Instagram: / austinbauwens
- Twitter: / austinbauwens
- LinkedIn: / austinbauwens
YouTube: / @theplayersofmusic
Twitter: / jacksonredford
LinkedIn: / jackson-redford-41a115159
- Instagram: / noahdamonwi. .
- Twitter: / noahdamonwilde
- LinkedIn: / noahdamon. .
- Instagram: / sam.essanoussi
- LinkedIn: / sam-essanoussi
- Instagram: / imse_ty
- Twitter: / imse_ty
- LinkedIn: / imsety
- Twitter: / visualsbywlroo
- LinkedIn: / wlroo
- Instagram: / visualsbywlroo
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