I now have a video up with the B bank done, and a download for all 128! : • Deepmind 12 // Solina String Copycat ...
How to install : • Deepmind // How to Install Patch Banks
This is my attempt to give the Deepmind better starting points for working out new sounds, 1-1 through 8-8 of the original Juno 106 factory sounds.
I don't think these sounds are revolutionary, but they're clever, unique, and musical.
Download here :
**I've updated the link to be 'Pay what you want, with a minimum of 0$, anything higher is totally optional, and totally appreciated.
Not casting these as perfect recreations, but I certainly am proud of how they ended up.
The "Juno Default" patches have only a saw tooth, no velocity sensitivity, the LFO's are mono phase, frequency and pitch mod are both pointed to LFO 1, routed through the mod wheel, and there is a chorus set up in effects that just needs to be switched off of 'Bypass'.
There might be some volume variance, watch your VCA level. Another tip, the high pass filter is in play a lot more than I expected, check that as you work through sounds.
Fine tune, and enjoy.