A1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (01:50) Connecting to Active Directory in a Remote Shell
3. (02:48) Preparing Domain Controllers for Remote Shell Connections
1. winrm quickconfig
2. Enable-PSRemoting
4. (03:00) Preparing a Client for Remote Shell Connections
1. Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
2. $AD_Session = New-PSSession
Invoke-Command $AD_Session -Scriptblock { Import-Module ActiveDirectory }
Import-PSSession -Session $AD_Session -module ActiveDirectory
5. (03:35) Testing a Remote Shell Connection:
1. Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | Select-Object name;
2. Get-ADUser -Filter *
B. Organizational Units
1. (05:27) Creating OUs: New-ADOrganizationalUnit
2. (13:54) Setting OU Attributes: Set-ADOrganizationalUnit
3. (14:12) Using BackTick (Grave Accent) Character ` to Span
Single Statement of Code Across Multiple Lines
4. (18:23) Getting OU Attributes: Get-ADOrganizationalUnit
5. (18:57) Using the -Filter Parameter
6. (25:28) Moving OUs: Move-ADObject
7. (32:07) Deleting OUs: Remove-ADOrganizationalUnit
8. (32:56) The -Confirm:$false Option
C. Groups
1. (37:24) Creating a Group: New-ADGroup
2. (41:33) Setting Group Attributes: Set-ADGroup
3. (47:56) Getting Group Attributes: Get-ADGroup
4. (48:57) Moving Groups: Move-ADObject
5. (50:47) Adding Members to a Group: Add-ADGroupMember
6. (56:39) Removing Members from a Group: Remove-ADGroupMember
7. (59:32) Deleting a Group: Remove-ADGroup
8. (01:01:10) Getting Members of a Group: Get-ADGroupMember
D. Users
1. (01:04:46) Creating User Accounts: New-ADUser
2. (01:10:52) Setting User Attributes: Set-ADUser
3. (01:12:59) Getting User Attributes: Get-ADUser
4. (01:16:42) Moving a User Account: Move-ADObject
5. (01:18:08) Removing User Accounts: Remove-ADUser
6. (01:19:52) Changing a User Account's Password: Set-ADAccountPassword
Source Code 01: AD User Provisioning
Source Code 02: AD Account Creation
Source Code 03: AD User and Group Cmdletts
Source Code 04: AD Account Checker GUI
PowerShell Playlist: • PowerShell 01 - Introduction
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