App locker Part 5 : lock and unlock app and save locked records and view locked app separately
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how to create basic app locker for android studio and which support on all apis including Oreo because when I was creating app locker I found almost all tutorials and website are useless they are not provide actual thing and some are providing with code that only supports on lower apis. In this article you will found app locker that will be supported on all apis with source code. First of all lets clear the basic logic, to create app locker you need to consider 5 things
Usage Stats Services
Background Services
Broadcast Receiver
Sqlite Database
Lock Screen
Usage Stats Services is used for telling which app is running on android device at current time, so app locker will detect app using this services. The purpose of background services is to launch lock screen when detected app is found in database with status of locked , similarly broadcast receiver is used to restart background service when your background services are destroyed during phone restart or shut down. Sqlite database is used for saving your password and list of apps stored with package name and its status ( lock or unlock ). Lock screen will stop any launched app if it is found in app locker database with locked status and it will open with password.
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