This is a short tutorial on how to make a hip sway bounce side to side animation! Or whatever you want to call it 👍 this isn’t a well explain tutorial so uhm. Good luck trying to understand it 😭 my alight motion lagged to much and I couldn’t screen record the process because it wouldn’t let me export. This is using alight motion and it’s for free! I used premium graphs, but you could just watch adds for it so it’s basically free. An actual animation by Kuna requires alight motion pro and I am too broke for that! 😔💪
And.. this was insanely rushed. I have like 3 classes worth of homework right now that I should be doing so I need to get to that. Please don’t take this tutorial seriously and follow it step by step. This is like a guide of some sort so you know what to expect and how to make a bounce! All you really need to know are the graphs and what to apply the graphs on.
If you do this and would like for me to see, I’ll try my best to search for ygs video! Since my notifications are broken, you may have to comment somewhere letting me know.
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