Lazair, Lazair ultralight, Lazair ultralight parts, Lazair Nouveau Airventure 2019
#Lazair #LazairUltralight #LazairUltralightParts #LazairNouveau #Airventure2019
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Lazair, Lazair ultralight, Lazair ultralight parts, Lazair Nouveau Airventure 2019
On a safety note:
I was committing an act of minimally regulated aviation by flying my Lazair a few days ago, and after landing and standing around chewing the cud with a fellow aviator friend of mine he made a safety suggestion that left me gobsmacked that it was so spectacularly obvious and that I hadn't thought of it myself.
He relayed a story of a friend of his who had an ultralight (not a Lazair) with a different engine (2 stroke, 2 cylinder by the same manufacturer as ours) that was installed with the cylinders upside down, i.e. the spark plugs pointed down instead of up with similar plug caps. He informed his friend he might want to safety wire his spark plug caps so they wouldn't fall off or wiggle loose. The friend dismissed the notion and subsequently destroyed his plane and nearly killed himself when a spark plug wire came off in flight causing partial power loss of the engine.
Now I have never heard of a Rotax 185 losing a spark plug wire in flight. But after examining my plug caps (rubber screw on type with spring loaded clips) and taking into consideration the massive vibration these engines produce I thought his suggestion had enough merit and there was enough potential for failure of the cap to remain on the spark plug I got out my safety wire and devised a simple safety wrap on the plug cap that I am convinced the cap cannot come off until I cut the safety wrap.
I recommend all Lazair operators heed the same warning and safety wrap your plug caps to the spark plugs. It is very easy to do, costs nothing, takes only a minute or two, and is cheap insurance against this type of bad juju.
More Next Time,
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Lazair, Lazair ultralight, Lazair ultralight parts, Lazair Nouveau, Airventure 2019, - Lazair, Lazair ultralight, Lazair ultralight parts, Lazair Nouveau Airventure 2019
• Lazair, Lazair ultralight, Lazair ult...