Minecraft Java to Bedrock clients. Minecraft bedrock has Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, and PE Minecraft editions to play together on a Java edition server.
Minecraft Java Servers allow Bedrock Clients using Geyser.
Setup cross play on a Java edition server, using GeyserMC Plugins.
💎 SoulNode Hosting: 💎
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER" for 10% off!
➜ Website: https://soulnode.net
➜ Discord: https://discord.soulnode.net
📙 Geyser: https://geysermc.org/
Geyser➜ https://ci.nukkitx.com/job/GeyserMC/j...
Floodgate➜ https://ci.opencollab.dev/job/GeyserM...
📘Geyser Wiki: https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/wiki
📘Floodgate Wiki: https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/wi...
✔️Dev's Discord: / discord
✨ Songoda Marketplace: ✨
➜ Website: https://www.songoda.com/
➜ Discord: / discord
⛏️ Odyssey Builds: ⛏️
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER10" for 10% off!
➜ Website: https://www.odysseybuilds.com/
➜ Discord: / discord
🌐 Need a Domain? Check Name.com 🌐
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Discord ➜ Striker#1499
Discord Server➜ / discord
Youtube ➜ / soulstriker
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Intro - 0:00
Download Geyser - 0:26
Download Geyser - 1:06
Geyser Setup - 1:50
Geyser Startup - 4:45
Geyser Tips - 6:09
✮ Tags: Minecraft Plugins, Minecraft Plugin Tutorials, Free Minecraft, #Minecraft, #MinecraftServers, #MinecraftPlugins, #Bukkit, #MinecraftServer, #FactionServer, #Minecrafthosting, #bestplugins, #Freeminecrafthosting, #bukkitplugins, #spigotplugins, #freeplugins, #freeminecraft #freeserver, #MinecraftGame, #MinecraftServerfree, #serversminecraft, #minecraftmods
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