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Saat Bhai Champa is a Bengali television series starring Pramita Chakraborty and based on the popular Bengali folktale from the book Thakurmar Jhuli. It is the story of a girl who is born with magical powers and her seven brothers who grow into champa flowers after being buried in a garden, at their birth.
Show Name : Saat Bhai Champa
Producer/Star Cast :
Episode No : 312
#Zeebangla #banglaserial #fullepisode #entertainment #romantic #bangla #saatbhaichompa #saatbhaichompafullepisode #saatbhaichomanewepisode #saatbhaichompatodayepisode #mythologi
About Saat Bhai Champa :
Saat Bhai Champa is a Bengali television series starring Pramita Chakraborty and based on the popular Bengali folktale from the book Thakurmar Jhuli. It is the story of a girl who is born with magical powers and her seven brothers who grow into champa flowers after being buried in a garden, at their birth
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