Requested by: @RobloxRolePlay8364
How To Make:
1. Mirror:
First Keyframe - Amount: 180.000
Last Keyframe - Amount: -180.000
2. Gradient Map:
Spot 0: Black
Spot 1: Red
Spot 2: Yellow
1. 4orm-VST-R:
Preset: Factory 19
2. Orange Vocoder:
1st, 6th, 11th White Key
Or Also Instructions:
3. Pitch Shift (A17. Drums, Unpitched (Minimum Echo): +11
Add Me in Discord: TPLMVM2008#6608
Programs Used:
Vegas Pro 16
Universal Disclaimer in Poem Form:
All credit goes to their owners
whoever they may be
and all the TPLMVM2008 Logos
are the only things from me!
My Tags: #SaveTPLMVM2008 #SaveParamountPictures #SaveVegasPro #StopGachaHeat #EndGachaHeat #CatboyxOwlette #SavePurpleLavender2K8