Welcome back to Sonic Generations Mod Series!
After training, it seems that Sonic can even use God powers now. That's right, he can also use Goku's SSGSS form! Let's take a look! :D
Mods used:
SSGSS Mod is made by UltimateDarkman
1) The coming episodes of Sonic Generations Mod:
Sonic Generations Mod Part 119_ SSGSS X Kaioken times 20 Mod
Sonic Generations Mod Part 120_ PERFECT Sonic Generations Unleashed Mod Video
(SA2 Mod, Heroes Mod will be made later one by one. Please wait patiently :) )
2) Can we reach 45 likes in this video? Make sure you give us a like :D
3) Sonic Generations Mod Part 119 will be released later! (We mean around 1-2 hrs after releasing this video) Remember not to miss it! :D
4) About 'A minecraft story: Sonic and Shadow_ Danger of two Worlds', the connection between the server has not finished fixing yet. And because of the coming exam, we don't have time to fix it. We hope we can release it during the Easter holidays. Sorry about that :(
5) Please subscribe to these channels:D
Jahsierious Chandler
/ jahsier7
Modern Sonic Pro
The Tunisian Sonic Fan
Modern Knuckles Pro
Silver Team
Sonic The Smart Hedgehog
6) Support us in Patreon so we can make more and better videos :D
If u have any mods that want us to make videos, pls tell us and we'll try our best to do it for you :D
Anyway, if u like this video, pls share it to others and give us a like or sub us :D