Please visit my blog at for the latest gold tips and a further explanation of this dungeon run. You can also follow me on twitter at / ryanaeckles .
This is not your run of the mill dungeon run guide. I ran this dungeon 15 times (5 times on 3 different toons) recording every drop and kill to give you all the most accurate data possible. All statistics and possible useful information you could need should be available at my blog.
In this guide I show you how to make over 6500 gold per hour from cata greens, cata blues, and embersilk cloth in the Blackrock Caverns normal dungeon. These are almost always in high demand by any character leveling since they're such a huge ilvl jump from the Lich King gear available at lvl 77-79. Prices quoted are from Global Market Median as this is the most reliable and one of the most conservative around for this type of gear (WoWuction quotes considerably higher, and of course prices vary lower OR HIGHER per server).