Setting Object Properties Checkboxes unchecked by default using advanced options in the Tekla model

Опубликовано: 03 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: TCBIN

In this #Tutorial:
0:00 #Setting #Object #Properties Checkboxes unchecked by default using #advanced options in the #Tekla #model

Case 1:
0:03 Modeler "Forget" to uncheck all checkboxes except #Profile checkbox Manually.

Case 2:
2:15 #Modeler has to "Remember" to uncheck all checkboxes except the Profile checkbox Manually.

Case 3:
2:45 After adding the #advance #option #XS_DIALOG_ENABLE_STATE=FALSE in #option.ini file inside the #model folder.
The modeler doesn't have to focus on un-checking all checkboxes, Tekla #software will #automatically take care of it.