Skylite Ultralight Aircraft, Cloudbase Aviation, 2022 Ultralight Aircraft Buyers Guide.
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We are a division of Cloudbase Engineering LLC which specializes in the design and manufacture of camera mounts for aircraft. Cloudbase Aviation was born with the desire to branch out into the area of aircraft design and manufacture. To get things started, we purchased the rights to market, sell and build the Skylite Ultralight.
Designed by Ed Fisher and originally sold under the name Raceair. The Skylite won Ultralight Grand Champion at Oshkosh in 1991 and Ed himself was inducted into the EAA homebuilder’s hall of fame in October 2011. There are over 100 Skylight’s currently flying.
At this time only plans are available but sub assembly items are in the works. The fuselage for the Skylite is nearly complete in Solidworks with plans to offer a pre-notched ready to weld tube kit. Also rib kits will follow soon as well.
Skylite Specs
Plans built legal Part 103 Parasol Wing Ultralight
Stall: 27 mph
Cruise: 45 mph
Top Speed: 60 mph
V.N.E.: 85 mph
R.O.C.: 400 fpm
T. Off Dist.: 500'
Fuel cap: 5 gal
Length: 17'-6"
Span: 29'-2"
Height: 5'-10"
Wing Area: 117 sq. ft.
Empty Weight: 249 lbs
Gross Weight: 520 lbs
What is included with Skylite plans purchase?
22ea pages of construction plans on 17" x 22" Paper
1ea full size rib layout on 17" x 44" Paper
Construction Manual
What engine options are there that will keep the Skylite within Part 103 limits
The original was built around the Rotax 277 yet that was over 25 years ago. Now there are new lighter choices that make it even easier to build and stay within Part 103.
Engines worth Considering:
Hirth F33
Polini Thor 250
Or if you have a Rotax 277 lying around that works just fine too.
How many hours does it take to build a Skylite
The average build time for building the Skylite is 1200 hours yet many have been built in the 750 hour range. We plan to offer pre made components in the future on our parts page and builders can trade cost for time and finish sooner.
Items in the pipeline to be released soon are:
Wing rib raw material kit with Pre-bent rib profile material.
Fiberglass nose bowl
Various assembly sub kits.
Pre notched ready to weld fuselage tubing kit
Wing Kit
Empenage Kit