Friday Night Funkin' VS Crewmate Restyle + Cutscenes (Funky Mates FULL WEEK) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle the crewmates because they think Boyfriend was the one that killed one of the crewmates. Coffee Bunny - Created mod: • vs crewmate restyle universe implosio...
In this mod by Coffee Bunny, we will be checking out all of the remastered songs & reanimated sprites along with 3 new original songs and one cover (Pretender from Imposter V4 Mod). Black Imposter makes a cameo in one of the songs which I thought was cool. Girlfriend/GF does not appear in the mod. I'll be playing all of the Funky Mates (VS Crewmate Restyle) songs on very hard.
Funky Mates (Vs Crewmate & Imposter Restyle)
Vs. Crewmate by Lexicord Mod Download:
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Crewmate Restyle Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Preview
00:39 Quick Message
00:56 Intro
01:02 Title Screen
01:20 All Weeks
01:40 Cutscenes/dialogue 1
01:49 1) Dropship (Banana Crewmate vs BF)
04:02 Animation 1
04:25 2) Suspicious (Frank the Purple Crewmate vs BF)
06:33 Purple calls for a meeting
06:37 Cutscenes/dialogue 2
07:06 3) Meeting (Frank vs BF)
08:34 Purple is making a good point (I speak among us)
09:07 Last part of the song
09:40 Cutscenes/dialogue 3
09:54 4) Vented (Frank vs BF)
12:27 Red Imposter takes out Purple
14:25 5) Double Kill (Red & Green Imposters vs Boyfriend)
15:41 Afterimage 1
16:24 Afterimage 2
17:04 6) Mongus (Mongu vs Mogufrend)
18:49 AMOGUS & Afterimage
19:50 7) A-Okay (Mongu vs Mogufiend)
20:08 Resisting is pointless
21:07 I will take over
22:15 8) Pretender (Mongus vs BF Imposter?)
22:19 BF Laughs
24:50 BF takes him out
24:59 Freeplay
25:09 9) Universe Implosion (Purple Crewmate vs Purple Crewmate Restyle)
28:17 Credit
28:20 10) Endless Task - Unfinished (Majin Monger vs BF)
31:11 11) Victory- Unfinished (VS Black Imposter)
32:17 Banana
32:55 Frank
33:18 Im not sure
33:47 Black Imposter
34:38 Side-by-side comparison
37:46 Unused Cutscene
38:25 Game Over Animation
38:38 Outro - CommunityGame
Mod Creators for VS Crewmate Restyle & Imposter Restyle below
coffeebunny - did almost everything:
/ @coffeebunny6114
Lexicord - creator of the original vs crewmate mod:
• Video
AWHNathan - charted most of A-okay:
/ awhnathan
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FNF VS Imposter but Human V2 Cancelled build (Among Us/Black Imposter V4)
• Friday Night Funkin' VS Imposter but ...
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2023)
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