To buy the Distroplate :
To buy the CPU water block :
To buy the GPU water block :
To buy the case :
EKWB has been grand enough to send me the best of their QUANTUM series, to build one of the most performant PC money can buy.
Partnered with Lian Li, they designed an imposing and awesome looking distroplate which transforms the 011 Dynamic XL case into the most aesthetically pleasing piece of the tech hardware available today,
This first video focuses on the details installation of the loops, and different water blocks, as well as their performance results.
A 2nd video will follow, replacing the soft tubing to rigid tubing.
Enjoy 😊
Chapters :
0:00 Intro
01:57 The Case
02:13 The components
02:46 Distroplate installation
04:04 PSU & GPU vertical mount
04:28 Motherboard & components
04:42 CPU and water block installation
05:05 Memory installation
05:43 GPU water block installation
08:33 Tubing
09:41 Filling the loops
11:28 CPU performances
11:51 GPU performances
12:27 LIAN LI & EKWB
12:51 Why soft tubing is not ideal