🔐 Open lesson of the course "Core of Health – Bile": ➡️ https://doctorbile.com/regpage-bileve...
❓ What to do if your neck hurts? Improve bile flow! This video demonstrates 3 simple exercises that will help relieve spasms and improve neck mobility.
🛡 We will show more exercises at the open lesson of the course "Core of Health – Bile." Registration is free: ➡️ https://doctorbile.com/regpage-bileve...
❗️ If the video doesn't load – watch it on another platform: LINK
🎥 Useful videos on the topic: [Healthy Bile]: ( • Здоровая Желчь )
[Self-Help for Liver and Gallbladder Disorders]: ( • Самопомощь при нарушениях печени, жел... )
Additional resources:
📩 Contact us: http://9197.ru
💊 Phytopreparations: https://doctorbile.ru/shop
📲 Telegram channel: https://t.me/+6ePet4CHxII0YjIy
Important information:
📞 Contact number: 8 800 775 10 69
🏥 Application for treatment at the Academicians Kartavenko Clinic: https://doctorbile.ru/clinik
🌐 School of Safe Health by Doctor Kartavenko: https://doctorbile.ru/online
📘 We are on VKontakte: https://vk.com/drbile