There's a basic process that you'll need to use to code most things, but it's rarely taught. It comes down to breaking down the complex feature you want into tiny logical chunks until it's almost pseudocode. At that point, you convert it into actual code.
All of the games featured in this video are made by me. Check them out here (all open source):
Wishlist Yawnoc:
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Related Videos (if you're using Pygame):
• Pygame Tutorial - Objects & Enemies
• Pygame Tutorial - Making a Platformer...
• In-depth Pygame Physics Explanation
• (UPDATED - See Desc.) Tiles and Physi...
Background music in this video:
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Jubilife City [Lofi Remix] - Glitchxcity
• Pokémon Diamond and Pearl - Jubilife ...
#gamedev #programming #coding