Landing the Cessna 414-A Chancellor at Palm Springs International in FSX

Опубликовано: 21 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Welcome to my FSX Flight Sim Pilot Channel

Landing the Cessna 414-A Chancellor at Palm Springs International in FSX
Cessna November 414 Juliet Papa is departing Douglas Municipal Airport
( KDGL ) Douglas Arizona USA.
Arriving Palm Springs International Airport ( KPSP ) Palm Springs California USA.

Municipal Airport to Palm Springs International
Distance: 383.2 Nautical Miles
Estimated fuel burn: 74.4 Gallons / 446.7 Pounds
Estimated time en route: 1 Hour 52 Minutes
Departure Runway 3
Arrival Runway 1 3 Right
Heading 295 °

Douglas Traffic 122.8
Albuquerque Center 127.850
Los Angeles Center 132.850
SOCAL Approach 124.500
Palm Springs Tower 119.7

Model Info:
Premier Aircraft Design
FSDS design, panel & XML programming by Jean-Pierre Brisard
Paint, FD adjustments & html ref lists by Bob May
Flight dynamics adapted from original by Tom Goodrick.
Bigtwin sound by Aaron Swindle
Livery Modification on November 4 1 4 Juliet Papa by Darryl Zuber for this video.

Video # 336