you asked for it~! let's see what this has in store!
thank you to the mod devs for giving their enthusiastic permission for us to play!!
1. please stay on topic.
╰⪼reserve off-topic conversation for break periods, when there is no voice acting!
2. no VA requests.
╰⪼if you want me to say something in a particular voice, i require a minimum $10 USD donation via channel membership or superchat!
3. please do not disobey or disrespect the mods; they are upholding my rules!
4. be polite and respectful.
╰⪼ "dark humor" (aka offensive jokes) is not tolerated here. i play lots of games that cover dark topics, but that doesn't mean we should ever take those topics lightly.
5. no spam, soliciting, or self-advertisement.
6. do not bring up other content creators or vtubers in my chat unless i bring them up first, and do not bring me up in other peoples’ chats unless they bring me up first.
general: #aster_isms
art: #asterpieces
music: #aster_music
find me:
/ iamyourmagician
/ iamyourmagician
find mugman:
/ fenrir_the_wulf
model: kyoki_studio
╰⪼ / iamkyoki
emotes by yumemi caelestis and daesun
╰⪼ / @yumemivt
╰⪼ / _sund4yy_
Q: can you voice act in a project for me?
A: generally the answer is yes! please email me at iamyourmagician(at)gmail(dot)com. for work inquiries like this i require a $50 minimum regardless of how much i'm acting. in special scenarios i will work for free but you really shouldn't count on it!
Q: will you be playing the rest of nemlei's games/chapter 3 of coffin when it comes out?
A: yes! and i've answered these questions many times, so any chat message asking will be deleted. thank you!!
Q: there’s a game i want you to play!
A: leave it in the comments of a relevant video! alternatively, fill out a form on this site (no accounts needed) and i’ll be more likely to play it!