how to connect the sonwflake with dbt could and configure the github

Опубликовано: 05 Январь 2025
на канале: SKRT_DATA_MUSIC

grant all on warehouse PC_DBT_WH to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant usage on database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant create schema on database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant usage on schema database.an_existing_schema to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant create table on schema database.an_existing_schema to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant create view on schema database.an_existing_schema to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant usage on future schemas in database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant select on future tables in database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant select on future views in database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant usage on all schemas in database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant select on all tables in database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;
grant select on all views in database PC_DBT_DB to role ACCOUNTADMIN;