"Spill" is taken from Olivia Kaplan's debut album 'Tonight Turns to Nothing,' out now on Topshelf Records
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"Spill" written by Olivia Kaplan
❍ Olivia Kaplan - vocals, electric guitar
❍ Adam Gunther - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, modular synthesizer
❍ Jorge Balbi - drums
❍ Georgia Lill - cello
❍ Evan Vidar - piano
spill me out on the floor
i don’t want to be drunk anymore
bent over on the side
of the 5 cause i can’t afford
the hundred-dollar fine
at least see me to the door
or don’t you give a shit anymore
‘cause i’m casual it’s cool
and this conversation’s really just a tool
To get you where you wanna go
To get you where you wanna go
quote me pages from the book
you say defines you but i can
tell by the look on your face
you’re still waiting to be saved
I might be good at that
But i’m really trying to change
Not just get you where you wanna
Not just get you where you wanna
I can’t get you where you wanna…
all of this to say
that all i want to be
is chosen from the room
and shown out to the sea
pointed across the water
to the places i can go
like a mother to her daughter
in case she didn’t know
that her maritime dreams
aren’t so in her mind
that all of this concrete
is better left behind