DPC2017: Pushing the limits of PHP with React PHP - Christian Lück

Опубликовано: 15 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Ibuildings Dutch PHP Conference

It's 2017 and times have changed – yet PHP is still most often associated with your average product catalog or blogging platform. In this talk you will learn that PHP's huge ecosystem has way more to offer and PHP is not inferior at all to its evil cousin Node.js.

You will learn about the core concepts of async PHP and why you too should care about React PHP being a real thing. The talk has a strong focus on sparking the idea that PHP can be way faster and more versatile than you probably thought. Bring along an open mind and through lots of examples and demos learn why what sounds crazy at first might soon be a valuable addition in your toolbox.

This talk was given at the Dutch PHP Conference in 2017, organised and hosted by Ibuildings. Visit http://phpconference.nl or http://www.ibuildings.nl for more information.