In this video, I will gonna show How to Create a New User Account on Kali Linux with root Privileges step by step. By default Kali Linux does not set up a root password during installation and therefore you don’t get the facility to log in as root. However, this does not mean that the root account doesn’t exist in Kali Linux or that it can’t be completely accessed. Instead you are given the ability to execute tasks with superuser privileges using sudo command.
00:00 Intro
00:34 Add New User in Kali
00:57 Set User's Password in Kali Linux
01:05 Add User in Sudo Group
01:19 Assign the Shell to New User
01:38 Login as New User Account in Kali Linux
️ Commands:
️ Create a New Normal User by command below:
adduser username
️ Chanage the user's password:
passwd username
️ Now, Add user to sudo group (This allows user to install software or other permissions)
usermod -a -G sudo username
usermod is used for make changes to an existing user
-a means add
-G means to group
sudo is Group in kali Linux default
️ Now, we have to specify the shell for our new user.
chsh -s /bin/bash username
chsh means change shell
-s (-shell) specified shell for new accounts, in this case /bin/bash
That is it! This is the way How to Create a New User Account on Kali Linux with root Privileges
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