The Game, you just saw:
Title: ~~ The Sims Medieval ~~
Dev: ~~ ~~
Where to get: ~~ ~~
Off. Website: ~~ ~~
Official Game Description:
Do you ever wish you lived in that glorious time when men were knights, women were princesses, and cities were kingdoms ruled by kings in large castles? Or would you rather be a pirate out hunting for rare treasure with a hook for a hand and a parrot on your shoulder?
Stordyr's Statement:
I simply love this game and think, it is totally underrated. I can understand, why the general Sims player would not find this game as appealing as the original Sims since it is less sandbox and more mission and story based. However, the possibilities are still huge and with the Pirates and Nobles Package it became even more interesting.
I still haven't finished the ambitions, wanting to do it on screen with you guys.
So grab a mug of mead and lean back to enjoy this game.
Stordyr Gaming?
Stordyr derives from the two swedish words:
Stor /stuːr/ translates to "big"
Dyr /dyːr/ translates to "animal"
I am actually not pronouncing it correctly ;)
So what animal are you talking about? Look at the branding and you'll see.
Who is Stordyr?
Stordyr is a totally cool guy from Rostock, Germany, now residing in the middle of Nowhere in Switzerland.
He is a long time gamer, having started with in the early 90s on a green screen PC with games like Prehistoric, Lemmings and similar stuff.
He has been a nerd before it became sexy, doing Pen & Paper Roleplaying Games since 1995 and has never stopped doing this (including all social implications of the time :P).
Now, that he is married to the geek woman of his life, father to a beautiful gamer child and working in corporate IT, he uses all his time to relax the brain, play, learn and enjoy himself with fun stuff.
Link Section:
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Channel Intro Art:
The Pixiedustsolution: ~~ ~~
Music: Heroic Age - Kevin MacLeod ~~ ~~
Thank you for watching the video and hope to see you back here very soon.
Feel free to comment on this, bash me, give hints or share your emotions.