A packed day of development on my indie game "Equilinox", the nature simulation game that I'm currently developing in Java using OpenGL.
Equilinox on Steam:
The Equilinox website:
The bug-fixing was a bit dull this week so I thought I'd save all the interesting tasks for the end of the week and have one exciting gamedev-filled day to show you!
Also, thanks to everyone for your feedback about the logos in the last couple of weeks! It's been really useful for me.
Get access to an open-source version of Equilinox and support the channel on Patreon:
/ thinmatrix
Social Media:
Facebook: / thinmatrix
Tumblr: / thinmatrix
Instagram: / thin_matrix
Twitter: / thinmatrix
Follow development on Trello: https://trello.com/b/bErRt68t/equilinox
IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/equilinox
Pinterest: / thinmatrix
Background Music by Jamal Green:
/ jamalgreenmusic
Uses sound effects from https://www.soundsnap.com/