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In this series, we're going to build a real time and automated trading platform using Python.
🚀 Live Data Web Scrapping
Lesson 17 - 18 - Capture Real Time Stock Data with BeautifulSoup
Lesson 19 - 21 - Capture Real Time Stock Data with Selenium
🚀 Live Data Plotting Features
Lesson 22 - Algorithmic Trading Features Overview
Lesson 23 - Algorithmic Trading Platform Design
Lesson 24 - Live Data Processing & Resampling
Lesson 25 - Live Candlestick Chart Plotting
📊 Data & Charts
➖ Live data on charts
➖ Live data saved
➖ Custom time intervals
➖ Interactive control
➖ Candlestick chart
➖ Volume chart
💡 Technical Analysis & Algorithms
➖ Indicators
➖ Strategies
➖ Backtesting
⚠️ Alerts
➖ Alerts on price
➖ Alerts on strategies
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