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I've seen people ask about how the matrix in SYNTRX compares to the MatrixBrute - here's my take:
It's not about modulation routing (MatrixBrute) vs audio mixing (SYNTRX) like I've seen some say below, because SYNTRX can do both.
But indeed the outputs (sources) on MatrixBrute's matrix are all mod sources (and not audio sources), though you could theoretically route audio to the MatrixBrute expression inputs (see my video about MatrixBrute pairings for more info). However, there are no audio destinations on the MatrixBrute's matrix - so you cannot change the signal path in MatrixBrute like you can in SYNTRX.
Overall, MatrixBrute has way more features as a synth (more LFOs, more envelopes, physical keyboard, sequencer, splits, custom LFOs, way more CV connectivity, presets for everything not just the matrix etc) and especially the flexibility of 4 out of the 16 mod destinations being assignable to anything on the panel, which is a big deal. However, MatrixBrute isn't a fully modular synth like this one, and has no audio sources in the matrix by default like I mentioned above and no audio destinations.
As for the features of the matrix itself, MatrixBrute has negative mod depth and the mod depths themselves can be mod destinations. SYNTRX's mod matrix is simpler with only two attenuation levels in addition to a 100% passthru. No inversion, and you can't modulate the mod depth of a node.
MatrixBrute doesn't have ring mod though if I'm not mistaken, and its signal path isn't stereo except for the delays at the end, where as SYNTRX gives you stereo routing for every audio source.
In terms of sound character both are different - oscillators, filters and spring reverb vs stereo delays.
So.... bottom line, MatrixBrute is kind of like a kid that gets excellent grades on every subject in school, and SYNTRX is a whizkid at a few things it specializes in and can really shake things up in terms of the signal chain.
Just my take - feel free to comment below of course :)
0:00 Intro
1:00 The matrix
5:10 Overview
6:35 Connectivity
8:20 Oscillators
12:15 Sample & hold
14:25 Filter
16:25 Output filters
17:20 Ring mod
18:30 Spring reverb
20:40 Trapezoid
24:30 Joystick
25:25 Meter
25:55 Speakers
26:55 Input channels
28:25 Chords
29:40 Polyphony
30:50 FM & Vibrato
32:00 Sync mod
32:15 Whale call
33:05 Ring horn
33:45 On the run
35:30 FX send
36:45 Pros & cons
39:35 Outro forest
Want to email me personally?
► Ziv (at)
NOTE: Occasionally I’ll try out affiliate marketing and include affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links. The content of this clip is entirely my opinion, and was not paid for or dictated in any way by the company creating the gear. Without addressing the particulars of products shown here as they might be under NDA, gear shown on this channel may be either sent by the manufacturer, on loan for review or bought at a discount.