📋The first pair drift with a tesli in assetto corsa turned out to be bombing. As everyone knows, I recently got a t300 thrustmaster wheel that I use to play assetto corsa and learn to drift. After playing some of our first hours, together with Teslik, we decided to try to perform a pair drift in assetto corsa, which notably set fire to our farts, since neither I nor Teslik managed to drift on the steering wheel in Assetto Corsa. The whole duo drift turned into a bombing drift
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📌 Hello everyone, my nickname on YouTube Catwish Studio is abbreviated as CatwishSTD and on my channel I post videos on completely different topics, as if these are games, guides and videos like how to do it. I am an ordinary guy who lives in the provinces and just makes videos as a hobby, makes all sorts of montages for games and tries to help people. I am quite good at editing various kinds of videos, from movies to videos from real life. I will be glad to see you on the channel, subscribe to the channel.
🔔Subscribe to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatwishStud...
🎬Past Carx Drift racing online videos:
📌Drift movie MOSSPORT 3 season 6 stage Carx Drift racing 2 - • МОСКОВСКИЙ КИБЕРСПОРТ CARX DRIFT RACI...
📌Pair drift with Teslik in Carx drift racing online - • ПЕРВЫЙ ПАРНЫЙ ДРИФТ В CARX DRIFT RACI...
📌How to farm gold in Carx Drift Racing 2 - • КАК ПОЛУЧИТЬ ЗОЛОТО В CARX DRIFT RACI...
📌How did I decide to play Carx Online? - • КАК Я РЕШИЛ ПОИГРАТЬ В CARX DRIFT RAC...
❓If you have any questions, write in the comments right below the video, I will answer everyone and write everything as it is. Also, if you have any suggestions, please write in the comments, I hugged everyone. In the donation, you can also write me a message.
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