I picked up a 60kHz MSF Time Signal Receiver from PV Electronics (http://www.pvelectronics.co.uk/index....) after I came across this brilliant library and explaination http://danceswithferrets.org/geekblog.... This article was all I needed to get started thankfully.
My code - davidjwatts.com/youtube/arduino_atomic.zip
The MSF Time Signal is broadcast from NPL (http://www.npl.co.uk/science-technolo...) in the UK from Anthorn in Cumbria but similar signal are broadcast all over the world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_cl....
I threw together a simple example without any indepth explaination but hopefully it will be enough to pique your interest.
I had a bit of a cold so this I was a little sluggish.