A MASV Watch folder is a designated folder on your computer that automatically triggers an upload or download of files to and from a pre-defined destination (an email recipient or a MASV Portal).
With a few clicks in the MASV Desktop app, you can set-up a Watch Folder in a couple of seconds and begin automating those mundane, everyday file transfers.
Just finished a render? Drop it into a Watch Folder and automatically send it for review. Waiting to download a set of dailies from a shoot earlier in the day? Set-up your Watch Folder to receive files from a specific MASV Portal and have the files waiting for you in the morning.
MASV is a fast, easy, and affordable file transfer solution for creative pros. No size limits. No subscriptions. Simply pay as you go and send anywhere in the world. ✌️
00:00 Introduction
00:22 What is a MASV Watch Folder?
00:54 What is a Portal Download Automation?
01:10 MASV Desktop App
01:20 Send Files Automation
03:25 Send to Portal Automation
05:07 Receive Files Automation
06:28 Automation Demo
07:14 Outro
Sign up for a free 100 GB trial of MASV: https://massive.app/signup
Download MASV App for Mac, Windows, and Linux: https://massive.io/desktop-app/
Read more about MASV Watch Folders: https://massive.io/watch-folders/
Twitter: / masvfast
Instagram: / masvfast
TikTok: / masvfast
Facebook: / masvfast
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