19 things you need to know to really master Microsoft Excel's VLOOKUP function. VLOOKUP is the most popular function in Excel and in this video you're going to learn everything there is to know about VLOOKUP.
Table of Contents
1. What does VLOOKUP do? 0:18
2. How does VLOOKUP work? 1:52
3. The V in VLOOKUP stands for vertical 2:29
4. Use the related HLOOKUP function for horizontal data 2:42
5. N/A errors 3:55
6. REF! errors 5:24
7. VLOOKUP can only return the first match 6:03
8. VLOOKUP is not case sensitive 7:50
9. VLOOKUP can only return values to the right 8:37
10. Use VLOOKUP and CHOOSE to get values to the left 10:21
11. VLOOKUP can only handle one lookup criteria 11:54
12. Inserting a column can break existing VLOOKUP results 13:08
13. Use VLOOKUP and MATCH to create a dynamic column reference 14:11
14. Use an absolute reference with the lookup data 15:23
15. Use wildcards with VLOOKUP for partial matching 16:47
16. Approximate match 18:12
17. Data needs to be sorted in ascending order to use approximate match 20:02
18. Can also use 0 or 1 for the match type arguments 20:36
19. VLOOKUP defaults to approximate match if the match type argument is missing 21:29 👇
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