How to create alias #linux dailystudyLinux #Linuxstudy #linuxinterviewquestions #linuxshorts #linux

Опубликовано: 16 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Daily Study

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awk command --------
Read last line of a file in Linux --------
process and daemon --------
start stop restart reload a service --------
enable and disable services --------
mask and unmask a services --------
lsblk command --------
add disk and create file system on disk --------
extended file system creation --------
primary and extended file system explenation --------
fdisk, mount, mkfs command explanation --------
removing disk form OS and VM --------
fstab file entry --------
fstab file and fields --------
fstab and mtab comp --------
swap partition --------
Swap file --------
disk uuild using blkid --------
why hidden file and directory required --------
how to reuse history --------
why uuid required while mounting disk --------
disable ctrl+alt+del --------
soft and hard link --------
inodes with cp and mv command --------
Linux welcome message --------
what is rpm? --------
rpm full with option --------
how to copy rpm --------
what is yum --------
complete yum command --------
yum history --------
What is an operating system --------
Why linux is better than windows --------
Linux in Daily Life --------
What is Linux --------
What is file system --------
unix and Linux --------
who is using Linux --------
things to remember while using Linux --------
file system structure --------
What is LVM --------
how to create pv vg and lv --------
pvdisplay and pe le command --------
extend file system creation in LVM --------
LVM Delete process --------
difference between -l and -L in lvm --------
how to extend a file system in Linux --------
how to reduce a file system in Linux --------
how to rename vg and lv in Linux --------
lvm verbose mode command --------
how to active / deactive a pv in lvm --------
vgactive and deactive --------
lvactive and deactive --------
lvsnapshot create and restore --------
what is lvm snapshot --------
lvm archive --------
customized reporting of LVM --------
how to remove a pv from vg --------
vg export and import --------
Linux user auto logout --------
what is DNS --------
hosts resolv and nsswitch file in linux --------
chage command --------
login.defs --------
shell with norc options --------
What is current shell --------
IP Trace route and telnet command --------
ssh debug --------
mtu --------
ssh key gen --------
sh port change --------
disable root login via ssh --------