29 Sellable Pets in Patch 8.0 | Battle for Azeroth Gold Guide

Опубликовано: 13 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: WTBGold

Battle for Azeroth has a ton of new battle pets and a surprising amount of them are cageable, so we can make gold with em. Some you know of, some you might not, and some we're making gold in roundabout ways. Check it out.

0:27 TapTaf
This little pig is located in Drustvar and sells for 10k to 300k. Never underestimate how much people are willing to pay to be lazy. Head south along the eastern coast of the zone and you'll see a little dock. Go up the patch and kill Idej the Wise and you'll get this little battle pet.

1:17 Baa'l Supplements
This goat pet requires you to find a piece of paper, pick up 13 pebbles, and then finish a pet battle with a goat after Uuna weakens him. If you're starting fresh it takes about 6 hours.
But you can't sell him, so sell the stuff you need to get him, goblin gliders, invis pots, swim speed potions, and water walking potions. Alchemy and Engineering rejoice!

2:34 Arathi Highlands Pets
Arathi has 28 rares and 9 of them drop battle pets, with most ranging in price from 2k to 30k. Once per cycle (after your faction takes control), you can kill them. There are still a few unknowns because some bosses are only lootable when your faction controls the area. Play it safe and just do a lap whenever you win Arathi.

4:38 Island Expedition Pets
There are 18 sellable battle pets found as island expedition rewards and they're selling at 10k to 200k. Long story short, they're all super expensive. Go farm these. You can do this on normal mode and I got 1 pet every 6 runs. Only half of the pets are sellable so you'll have good sessions and bad ones but if you do 20 in a row, you'll get some good stuff.
Bonus tip: Island expeditions give about 150k xp when rested so this is a great way to leveling an alt. If that alt was normal/heroic raid geared, you can even knock out a normal in 4 minutes.
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