The blog is bringing you our first gold farming guide with a tip on how to make a lot of money quickly in the Zul Farrak dungeon. Today's walkthrough shows you the secret of how to earn between 4000 and 10000 gold in about thirty minutes in this Tanaris run. We are farming mainly for transmog gear, but the cloth is a nice bonus. Plan to have about 7-8 free bag slots per run, a mammoth or yak, and an addon like SellJunk, that can automatically sell gray items.
How To
The dungeon is a loop, avoid the red boss room and the yellow boss room in the center. Zig zag around and pull all the the mobs without stopping. Run the full loop back to where you started, aoe them down, loot, and reset the instance. The faster you can do the run the better.
If you're unsure of what speed boosts you have, here is a good place to start, the info is a little out of date, but it'll get you looking at your spell book:
Also, I've had a few skeptics ask why the dungeon is so valuable. :) Well, while I did get lucky in this testing with the Bloodrazor epic sword, which is a random BoE world drop this dungeon also drops Jade Gauntlets, Jade Greaves, the Jade Belt, and has a slight chance at dropping the Jade Legplates. Each of these sells for between 1-4k, depending on your server.
Song: WhosChaos Intro, by 2k ft. Poppy
(Open use by Landmarq music: download available here-
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