Learn how how to transfer projects in Adobe Premiere Pro, either directly from the editor or by packaging up project files and source footage. With this information, you can insure a smooth hand-off process with collaborators or transfer premiere pro files to another computer (e.g. a dedicated editing workstation). 👇
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MASV is the fast, easy, and secure way for filmmakers to deliver large media files. Send 4K video, raw uncompressed footage, and other hi-res assets.
#premiereprotutorial #videoeditingtutorial #adobe
00:00 How to share a premiere pro project with someone?
00:32 4 Methods
00:50 1. Adobe Creative Cloud Sync
01:49 2. Email (Premiere Pro Project Manager)
03:24 3. Shared Network Drive
03:51 4. MASV for Premiere Pro
05:02 Summary: share premiere pro project
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