For ages, Microsoft’s Surface Pros were about the least repairable tablets on the market, thanks largely to the tenacious glue used under the screen — a battery or SSD replacement would sometimes mean breaking the display. Today we’ve got the Surface Pro 9 on our teardown table and we’re excited to see what’s inside!
Quick disclaimer: We do consulting work for Microsoft’s hardware team. We do the same kind of analysis for them that we do here on the channel: dissect their hardware and share ideas for making it more repairable. We also sell Microsoft’s tools to our Pro business customers.
However, our teardowns are conducted with full editorial independence, with devices purchased by iFixit, and Microsoft has had no input or involvement in the making of this video.
Want to see just how bad the Surface Pro used to be? Check out our Surface Pro 7 Teardown
• Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 & Surface ...
You don’t need many tools to disassemble your Surface Pro 9. Get an Essential Electronics Toolkit
00:00 Introduction
00:47 Teardown
01:00 Screen Removal
01:42 Battery Removal
02:09 Motherboard Removal
02:27 Repairability Assessment
03:05 Repair Manuals & Spare Parts
03:25 Score
03:35 Disclaimer
#surfacepro9, #microsoftsurface, #ifixitteardown
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